As of May 4, 2011, we now have evidence of a near perfect correlation between vaccine dosage and infant mortality for 30 nations including the United States. The research comes from Neil Z. Miller and Gary S. Goldman in the open source Sage journal, Human and Experimental Toxicology. The correlation of interest is between infant mortality rates reported to the World Health Organization and official data concerning the number of [mandatory] vaccine doses administered by the reporting nations. Infant mortality rates are closely monitored as one of the important indicators of the overall health of the reporting nations.
Immediately below is the critical graph of interest showing a near perfect correlation, r = 0.992 (p < 0.0009) between the number of vaccine doses (NVDs) and the infant mortality rates (IMRs) in the 30 reporting nations with substantial vaccine dosage uptake (about 90% or better) and with an adequate record of their IMRs (more than 5 deaths had to be reported for the nation in question to be included in the data sample).

Correlation between infant mortality and number of vaccine doses as reported by Miller & Goldman (May 4, 2011) at
In this graph, a near perfect correlation between the mean IMRs and the mean NVDs emerges when the 30 countries are arranged into six groups according to the NVDs required by health authorities in those nations. Without such grouping, the correlation between IMRs and NVDs is 0.70 (p < 0.0001) but it increases to 0.992 with the grouping. Ordinarily, such a grouping, which theoretically discards some variability (in this case between the NVDs and the IMRs of the different nations), should weaken the correlation rather than strengthen it. Why does the opposite result emerge in the Miller and Goldman study? That is, why does the correlation go from 0.70 to 0.992? It is interesting to note that a correlation of 0.992 indicates a near perfect overlap of 98.3% of the variance of mean IMRs and the NVD grouping. Such correlations strongly suggest the need to look for an underlying common cause. Given the known toxicology of vaccine components, the obvious hypothesis is that increasing the NVDs may be causing a corresponding increase in the IMRs. It is also noteworthy, as I mentioned in my Webinar for the International Medical Council on Vaccination, that according to the reported infant mortality rates, the United States has fallen from near the top as one of the world’s healthiest nations, to a rank that puts us right at the bottom of the 30 nations studied by Miller and Goldman.
It is mathematically and empirically demonstrable that agreement between highly disparate measures (e.g., see Uebersax, 1992), including such indicators as NVDs and IMRs, cannot be expected to occur by chance. What is more, when agreement is found, e.g., as seen even in the 0.70 correlation observed by Miller and Goldman, it cannot be expected to converge to near perfection by the averaging method they employed. Why did that happen? Why did the 0.70 jump to 0.992?
The convergence observed by grouping nations by NVDs and by computing the corresponding mean IMRs, seems to have resulted from the removal of error variance (as estimated by the length of the vertical bars in the Miller and Goldman graph above showing variability in the reported in the IMRs). Removing that variability, it seems, has resulted in a clearer and sharper representation of the underlying relationship of true IMRs with NVDs. The procedure they followed, it seems, may very well be clearing up a blurred picture by removing random variability much as a satellite image can be improved by removing errors to sharpen the visible boundaries of a distant object.
When we ask why such nearly perfect (non-chance) underlying correlations exist between the number of vaccine exposures and autism, for instance, or infant mortality rates, the toxins, disease agents, and interactions of vaccine components are implicated. Among the acknowledged toxins in vaccines (see an exemplary CDC list here) are thimerosal, formaldahyde, phenol (also known as carbolic acid), amonium sulfate, benzethonium chloride, chlortetracycline, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid sodium (EDTA), glutaraldahyde, hydrochloric acid, monosodium glutamate (MSG; a cancer linked chemical formerly used widely as a taste enhancer), 2-phenoxethanol, urea, and so forth.
Also among the known toxins deliberately incorporated into vaccines are the so-called “adjuvants.” These toxins include aluminum in various forms, emulsifying oils, notably squalene, for instance, that are known to serve something like a jockey’s quirt to whip the immune system into a highly agitated and mobilized state. In addition to all of the acknowledged toxins purposely incorporated into vaccines either to control or weaken “excipient” (intentional) or “adventitious” (accidental) disease agents in the vaccines, and/or to jump start the vaccinee’s immune system, there are other supposedly harmless materials including albumin from humans and cattle, gelatin, yeast, thickening agents, stabilizers and solvents, antibiotics, and so forth that are used in the manufacturing of vaccines.
When examining the potential interactions of toxins and disease agents in vaccines, it is also necessary to consider not only the named and acknowledged “excipients” (including the supposedly harmless neutral components) but also the un-named, sometimes later discovered “adventitious” (accidental) components including foreign protein fragments and viruses from animals that have become involved in manufacturing a given vaccine or combination of them.
A notable example is Simian virus 40 (SV40), a universal cancer producing (polyoma) virus, that was unintentionally transmitted to the human population through the polio vaccines. Click here to see and hear from Dr. Maurice Hilleman, a decorated and authoritative inventor of many vaccines, about how the world-wide transmission of SV40 and many other viruses occurred. Later, SV40 would not only be found in association with essentially all human cancers but would be linked to human AIDS by Urnovitz and Murphy (1996). Click here to see their technical paper; and here to read Dr. Urnowitz’s 1999 testimony before a congressional committee on this subject).
It is known that many other “adventitious” disease agents, and their subsequently mutated derivatives, have been fed into the human population through vaccines. Dr. Howard Urnovitz has explained how long-lived and frequently mutating retroviruses such as SV40 may have transmogrified into the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
In addition to the disease agents accidentally distributed to humans through vaccines, there are also the deliberately included disease agents in required vaccines. Among them are various measles viruses which have been linked to encephalopathies such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), and also to acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). For an eye-opening collection of articles on vaccine doctrine, see Habakus and Holland (2011) here. Also, for further commentary on the findings of Miller and Goldman as well as a rapidly growing vade mecum of information, see the website Vaccine Truth hosted by Catherine J. Frompovich here.
Habakus, L. K., & Holland, M. (2011). Vaccine Epidemic. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.
Miller, N. Z., & Goldman, G. S. (May 4, 2011). Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic interaction? Human and Experimental Toxicology, DOI: 10.1177/0960327111407644. [Their entire article is available here. Retrieved May 10, 2011, from]
Oller, J. W., Jr., & Oller, S. D. (2010). Autism: The Diagnosis, Treatment, & Etiology of the Undeniable Epidemic. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Uebersax, J. S. (1992). A review of modeling approaches for the analysis of observer agreement. Investigative Radiology, 27, 738–743.
Urnovitz, H. B., & Murphy, W. H. (1996). Human endogenous retroviruses: Nature, occurrence, and clinical implications in human disease. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 9(1), 72-99. [Here in the link, I have given the whole pdf version of the paper. Also see his testimony before the Congressional Committee on Government Reform and Oversight on August 3, 1999.]
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